PRESS COVERAGE: Revived Hyde Ball raises £4,500 for Pavilion Project in Winchester (12 June 2017)

This article was published in The Hampshire Chronicle on 12th June 2017.

in After a nine-year absence the sell-out event on Friday at Winchester Rugby Club added £4,500 towards a new pavilion on North Walls park.

Tony Walker, of The Pavilion Project, said: “We are absolutely thrilled. Not only did the sun make a welcome appearance but we have raised a huge sum of money and even more awareness of the project in the wider community. The support from those who came to The Hyde Ball was fantastic and makes us even more determined to ensure the new pavilion is built. It will be for the whole community so it’s great to see that we have such support. It was also a tremendous party!”

The 200 guests enjoyed a fabulous dinner and service from the team at The King Alfred. Entertainment came from the The Spitfire Sisters. Following the raffle of prizes donated by local businesses, guests danced into the early hours to the music of The Chip Shop Boys.

The Pavilion Project is a not-for-profit community group that is working with the city council and Winchester architects AR Design to replace the dilapidated cricket pavilion and scoring hut at North Walls Recreation ground with one new, architecturally distinctive, pavilion serving both cricket pitches (

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